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The Silent Superstar

by: Aashish Pathak | September 26, 2024

How stellar metadata ensures accurate music royalty distribution

As the music industry continues to evolve, one critical aspect remains constant: the need for accurate, fair and timely royalty distribution. The industry’s silent superstar, metadata, ensures that artists and rights holders receive their rightful earnings.

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Digital DNA

Think of metadata as the digital DNA of a song. It encompasses essential information about a song, artist and recording that connects a musical work to its rightful owners. Key metadata elements include:

  • ISRC (International Standard Recording Code), a unique identifier for each recording
  • Artist and composer names
  • Song titles
  • Album information
  • Genre, mood and style

Metadata matters

In my opinion, accurate metadata is the linchpin of royalty distribution for several reasons:

  • Identification and attribution
    Proper metadata ensures each contributor to a musical work — whether it’s the songwriter, performer, producer or publisher — is correctly identified. This attribution is essential for determining who should receive royalties for each use of the music.
  • Revenue tracking
    Metadata facilitates the tracking of music usage across various platforms and territories. It enables performance rights organizations (PROs) and digital distributors to monitor when and where songs are played or downloaded, directly impacting royalty calculations.
  • Transparency and accountability
    Accurate metadata facilitates greater transparency in royalty calculations and distributions. Artists and rights holders can trust they are compensated fairly for their creative contributions.
A staggering 30% of royalties go unclaimed annually due to inaccurate or incomplete metadata. Source: MIDiA Consulting

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Billion-dollar mistake

According to music industry studies, the estimated annual revenue lost due to incomplete or incorrect metadata is $1.5 billion. Imagine an indie artist whose song gets played thousands of times but remains uncredited due to a typo in the metadata.

Inaccurate metadata can lead to:

  • Royalty disputes
    When attribution is unclear, disputes over ownership and distribution delay payments and create unnecessary friction.
  • Lost revenue streams
    Songs that can’t be tracked across platforms and territories lead to missed royalty opportunities.
  • Administrative burden
    Resolving metadata errors consumes valuable time and resources.

Metadata makeover

Based on my experience, there are several strategies you can use to enhance metadata management within your organization, including:

  • Adopting industry standards
    Embrace standards like DDEX (Digital Data Exchange) to ensure consistency and compatibility across the music ecosystem.
  • Automating data entry
    Leverage automation tools to minimize human error in metadata entry and updates.
  • Educating stakeholders
    Inform all parties involved about the importance of accurate metadata and best practices for metadata maintenance.
  • Conducting regular audits
    Regularly audit metadata to identify and rectify discrepancies proactively.
  • Ensuring ISWC/ISRC designation
    Designate your works and sound recordings with a proper ISWC (International Standard Musical Word Code) for music works and ISRC for sound recordings.
  • Ensuring PRO registrations
    Register your musical compositions with your associated performance rights organization.

From frustration to fortune

In today’s data-rich environment, leveraging data-driven solutions is essential for mastering metadata, managing large volumes of data, enhancing transparency and efficiency, and ensuring accurate royalty distribution.

These 4 data-driven solutions can help you master metadata and maximize your revenue streams:

  1. Automated data entry and matching
    Machine learning platforms can automate data entry and matching processes, minimizing human error and ensuring consistency.
  1. Real-time data cleansing
    Advanced algorithms can identify and rectify inconsistencies in real time, preventing errors from entering the system.
  1. Trend analysis and insights
    Data analytics tools uncover trends in usage patterns and identify potential discrepancies, allowing proactive intervention.
  1. Data matching and enrichment
    These solutions leverage vast databases of music information to enrich existing metadata, filling in missing details and ensuring accuracy.

I believe these solutions can help you and others within the music industry move toward a future where accurate metadata is the norm, not the exception.

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Every beat counts

As technology evolves and music consumption patterns shift, mastering metadata remains essential for maximizing revenue streams and ensuring artists are compensated fairly for their work. Behind every note lies metadata, and behind metadata lies an artist waiting to be heard.

As a music industry leader, you must champion accurate data, embrace data-driven solutions and ensure that every beat and every play counts to create a more fair and prosperous music ecosystem.