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Boosting Channel Partner Performance with Superior Channel Data Management

Typically, when we hear the term “channel data management (CDM)” it’s usually associated with point-of-sale information. But to successfully manage partner ecosystems, channel leaders need substantially more data than just POS. It demands a 360-degree view of your channel partners and their relationships and interactions with you and your channel.

And speaking of data, don’t we rely on it to:

  • Understand who our partners are and how they interact with us
  • Classify and segment our channel partners in order to understand their capabilities and how best to support and grow our relationship with them
  • Determine partner eligibility and access to resources and tools
  • Measure performance to determine which channel partners are most and least valuable

Learn more about the key components of a successful Channel Data Management strategy

Additionally, doing CDM right will afford you a multitude of benefits including:

  • Clean, accurate, complete, recent data that is trusted and actionable
  • Leveraging your Global Tiering Segmentation Model across organizations to:
    • Deliver the right program benefits and communicate with the right contacts to support and grow the partnership
    • Efficiently manage partner eligibility and access to programs, content, resources and tools
  • Confidently and consistently report partner activity and performance from a single source of truth