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Charmer recovers lost revenue, regains control of incentive programs

Vistex solution enables fast-growing distributor to scale and adapt


Charmer Sunbelt needed a two-for-one. With revenue leaking through the gaps in its claims and recovery processes, the rapidly expanding, top-tier liquor distributor needed an efficient and effective chargebacks solution. And with operations stretched across 17 states and the District of Columbia, 6,100 sales associates and more than 2,000 different incentive plans, it needed a powerful sales incentive administration solution as well.

More specifically, the company’s legacy systems had significant challenges in processing and tracking incentive program participants and their activities. It also was a challenge to manage chargebacks, the majority of which were depletion allowances and dollar rebates for each case sold.

Charmer Sunbelt’s end goal: A robust and scalable chargebacks application that will improve chargeback recovery processes and recoup lost revenues – one that would prove to be a powerful and flexible incentive management solution that will adapt to the industry’s rapidly evolving programs.

"We have been able to drive inefficiencies out, substantially improve inventory and market data, and improve order fulfillment."

- Bill Healey, Corporate VP/CIO - Charmer


With an SAP® environment already in place, Charmer Sunbelt selected Vistex Solutions for SAP in order to augment its investment in SAP, leverage its integration with SAP ERP, integrate and automate processes, improve visibility into chargebacks information and standardize processes and align with supplier/brand goals. The benefits were – and continue to be – significant.


Charmer Sunbelt uses Vistex Solutions for SAP for all its chargeback types, including depletion allowances, promotion support, one-time programs, and other miscellaneous programs.

The solution saves time and reduces administration costs, automates chargeback processes, recovers significant chargeback income that had gone unclaimed using the old legacy systems, offers complete visibility when reporting back to suppliers, and allows the company to determine true gross profit in real time.

Vistex Solutions for SAP offer Charmer many of the same benefits – program flexibility, management efficiency and real-time visibility into critical data, plus important insight into performance and the ability to build programs that drive sales and revenue.