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Five Truths of Great Channel Partner Profiling

Creating and launching an effective channel strategy is one of the hardest challenges channel strategist face today. Partner types are changing, and with rapid industry changes, vendors are more deliberate and outcome-focused, and it’s not as simple as pivoting to a one-size-fits-all approach. They need a flexible, step-by-step model on how to build the best channel strategy and program.

Born in the cloud partners serve as a model for the attributes that make partners successful today – but they must also possess the business acumen and demand generation capabilities of traditional partners. Here are top traits shared by successful partners in the new channel: Ability to modify business model to adapt to the rapidly changing cloud environment Adept at managing recurring revenue and sales commission models Managed services capabilities Strong demand generation capabilities Knowledge to choose and support the right cloud services model for the marketplace, augmented with their own services.

The emergence of cloud-based solutions and recurring revenue models have redefined how partners can succeed, and as a result, they have altered their business models. It is predicted that by 2020, all new entrants and 80 percent of historical vendors will offer subscription-based business models. This transformation could lead to a significant void to fill by vendors seeking to identify the right kind of partners to do business with.

This eBook presents the five most crucial factors you need to consider in order to profile and recruit partners to drive your business now, and into the future.

  1. You must have the right partners with the right attributes to achieve your sales goals
  2. Use a quantitative profiling methodology to rank partners consistently
  3. Guides are vital for a successful profiling team
  4. Integrate profiling worksheets with your CRM/PRM platform for a common partner database with key data and attributes
  5. Profiling bias can deliver subjective data