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Essential Medical Device Contract Management

Medical devices play a vital role in healthcare delivery and treatment outcomes, but their increasing complexity and cost can pose challenges. To address this, manufacturers have evolved their approach, moving from selling devices based solely on price to linking reimbursement with the services provided, risk sharing, and health outcomes. This shift has given rise to the need for comprehensive agreements that define, execute, and monitor compliance.

Join us for a series of webinars where we will navigate the intricacies of managing complex medical device contracts. In our first webinar, we will define contracts that meet your needs. In the second, we will explore our solution for executing these agreements, and in the final webinar, we will discuss effective ways to track and manage compliance.

Through this journey, we aim to equip you with the tools and knowledge to effectively manage medical device contracts, ensuring seamless processes, operational success, and positive outcomes.

Key Highlights:

  1. Understand the evolving landscape of medical device contracts, from simple price-based agreements to more complex models.
  2. Master the basics of defining comprehensive contracts that meet the needs of all stakeholders.
  3. Learn strategies for navigating complexities, managing multiple stakeholders, and addressing regulatory requirements.

Don’t forget to join us for the second part of this webinar series, Essential Strategies for Executing Medical Device Contracts, on August 7, 2024, at 10 AM CST. Register Now 


Bob Steller

Bob Steller

Industry Principal for Life Sciences at Vistex

Sarah Haley-Fuentes

Sarah Haley-Fuentes

Manager, Solution Engineering at Vistex