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From Data to Decisions: Revolutionize your Pricing and Promotion Strategies with Digital Shelf Analytics

With the rapid rise of online shopping and the shift towards a Direct-to-Consumer sales approach, understanding e-commerce market dynamics has never been more crucial for consumer product manufacturers. Comprehensive market analysis and insights into competitor pricing strategies are essential for:

  • Improving sales understanding of the best price positioning in the market and tracking immediately for out-of-stock. 
  • Optimizing assortment monitoring to ensure widespread distribution and tracking the performance of new products. 
  • Enhancing market awareness by monitoring competitors’ pricing, assortment and promotional activities. 
  • Identifying collaborative opportunities with retailers to better address trade investments. 

But how can you ensure you are equipped with the right tools to navigate this complex landscape? How can you stay ahead of the competition and maximize your visibility in the market?

Watch now this webinar on-demand where we delve into these critical questions and more. The time has come to beat your competition, make data-driven pricing decisions and win new markets. Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to market analysis and gain a competitive edge. 


Carina Röllig

Carina Röllig

Director of Business Development,
Big Data

Fabrizio Bianchi

Fabrizio Bianchi

Industry Principal Consumer Products